In most parts of my life I believe that it is not possible to do things out of order. There are always pros and cons to when you start something and as long as you are learning, growing, or resting you should call it a success. I had my son when I was 25. He was a surprise. This doesn’t sound necessarily young, but it felt young and I did not feel ready. He ended up being the greatest gift and every day since my life is immeasurably better because I had him. I then had my daughter at 29, she was planned and I wanted them to be close enough in age to have a sibling relationship. Both of my kids were healthy but my pregnancies weren’t necessarily easy. While both made it (mostly) full term, I had gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. I don’t know if my body would have cooperated if I would have waited to have kids in my 30s.
I’ve been thinking about the order of things for my creativity and art business. I started obsessed with paint pouring and sold some paintings on social media to friends and family (who I so greatly appreciate!). My goal with that first sale was to start a business so I could write off my supplies, allowing me to buy more supplies and make more stuff. I basically wanted to break even. The problem was, I didn’t know much about business. I had a huge social media following, but not really many products to sell or a smooth way of doing so. I started a website then didn’t have the bandwidth to update it regularly. This is where I think I was a little out of order with my art business.
It’s been a couple of years and now I’m approaching my art business differently and concentrating on the aspects that allow me to make things I love and connect with people who also love them. I’m expanding to offer some face to face experiences (Ask me about the Tuscany Art Retreat!!). I am also transitioning my website and changing my print vendors. I will be sure to keep you posted on these things and also just on what I am doing.
I so appreciate you and your support for me and my art!
Cart Before the Horse